Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I'd been here before. I knew I had, but I couldn't quite grasp the memory. The thought bothered me for a few moments and like an ant I would soon flick it away. The beauty of this place, this scene, soon distracted the wheels of my brain from turning. I was frozen, trying to breath it all in, putting it to a new memory.

I only knew we were in Georgia, because she'd told me so; that and the state sign were a dead give away. Georgia was never really much on my mind, and quite honestly it still wasn't, now. The T

They were on my mind. 

The way they fluttered in the light breeze; it was as if they were wooing me into their open arms. I was suddenly lost in lust over the beauty of this place. I wanted to stay here, in this moment, forever. I wanted to be one of those  t  a  l  l   trees.

"Come on! Let's climb it!" she quickly convinced me. I had always envied their height and closeness to heaven. They could reach out their branches and graze God's hand. Maybe I could        c     there too?

Well, Georgia, now you'll always be on my mind.