Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I'd been here before. I knew I had, but I couldn't quite grasp the memory. The thought bothered me for a few moments and like an ant I would soon flick it away. The beauty of this place, this scene, soon distracted the wheels of my brain from turning. I was frozen, trying to breath it all in, putting it to a new memory.

I only knew we were in Georgia, because she'd told me so; that and the state sign were a dead give away. Georgia was never really much on my mind, and quite honestly it still wasn't, now. The T

They were on my mind. 

The way they fluttered in the light breeze; it was as if they were wooing me into their open arms. I was suddenly lost in lust over the beauty of this place. I wanted to stay here, in this moment, forever. I wanted to be one of those  t  a  l  l   trees.

"Come on! Let's climb it!" she quickly convinced me. I had always envied their height and closeness to heaven. They could reach out their branches and graze God's hand. Maybe I could        c     there too?

Well, Georgia, now you'll always be on my mind.


  1. I tried keeping my layout simple, mainly because my ‘plot’ is simple. I ‘personified’ trees and heaven, because I was emphasizing that they could lead to heaven, or that the person in the narrative wishes they did. The picture I chose is a little contradictory; it shows a road, not necessarily showing that people climb to heaven, but rather they simply drive right past the stairway to heaven and could take the highway to hell. I also made “climb” into a little stepladder, further showing the imagination that heaven could be reached by stairs.
    I added the image of the Georgia state sign, because I reference it a few times. I also added a song under the word “heaven” to add a lighter touch to it, but also a very prevalent thought for the person in the narrative.
    I suppose there are many ways of interpreting everything, but this is how I intended it to be. However, if it is interpreted differently and makes sense to you, then go for it!

  2. I would like to start out with that i like the entire layout of this blog it is very eye catching. I like how you described Georgia and kind of how its your escape from reality. The text is very short in description but along with the hyperlinks it does a great job in getting the characters story across to the reader.

    The first thing that i noticed about the blog is the background doesn't really have any significance to the content in the blog i would have maybe liked to have seen a park relating to the trees, perhaps something relating to the clime to heaven. The second thing is i would have liked to have seen a little more in content toward this amazing description of georgia you have begun to unfold.
    the way you also introduce a second character was a little sudden. instead of just "she" introduce her with a name to give the content of the last paragraph more depth in personalization towards both the reader and author.I also think with a little more description of this mystery person it would give the last paragraph more relevance to the blog. As I see it right now it is a little disconnected from the rest of the content. If she is referring to the trees then it connects perfectly.

    Over all I think this blog is very good it is a quick insight into a very peaceful description of Georgia and even makes me not want to leave either. I look forward to the continuation of the Wandering Wanderer blog and wish you good luck on further posts.
