Tuesday, October 15, 2013

♩ ♪ ♫ A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes ♫ ♪ ♩

Looking out from Miami Beach, the ocean was so ominous and peaceful. It beckoned me; it was as if the ocean had transcended its concrete role. It was no longer this giant body of ~water~ it had become my Wonderland. I was swimming with mermaids, talking with fish, making real castles from the sand. My imagination had no limitations; I could just be and do whatever I desired. The earth had no hold over me. All that mattered was here, now, and my imagination. 

I felt like Nadja.  I wasn't bound to the concrete logical things of the earth; my mind was residing in a surreal other universe: my imagination.

We were riding a magic carpet, being rescued my princes, and fighting dragons. For the first time in years she and I were able to just let go and be kids again. Be sisters again. We grabbed our hotel sheets and pretended they were gowns. As she smeared red lipstick on her lips and as I made a tiara out of paper, we looked at each other. In her eyes there was wonder and magic and the belief that anything was possible. For the first time in years she had freed herself and gave away to her dreams. She let herself believe that she was a princess. Together, we broke down the w-a-l-l that had separated us for years: adulthood. As we let go of our inhibitions and fears we became children who believed again. 

It was like riding a magic carpet.

The way her eyes gleamed. The way my heart felt. As we spread out our arms in regal flight, we floated and drifted away into Wonderland as sisters again.

It was magical.

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